We have made a choice for safety. one that will make us leave a bit early, but will make sure we are safe.
On friday, we will see a rigger. They will be doing a full inspection on our standing rigging. What is standing rigging? Well if you know engines like i do, then i will give this analogy. If the sails are the pistons, the mast the block, the rigging are the bolts, that hold everything together.
I have done a bit of inspecting myself, but i cannot see everything. A rigger, has done this before, many times. So they will send a man up on a crane, to inspect the top, while someone else inspects below, all for $100 an hour, GASP!!!!! He estimates, it will take 3 hours. So $300 to inspect something our life depends on? yeah, i will accept that.
On other fronts i have replaced the cables for the steering, installed the GPS, moved the dogs to the boat, cut myself 12 times, and found a small engine oil leak. yeah, i cant wait to have time, and a good internet connection, to post photos. Sorry if this update is a bit dry and lacking, but its getting too close, not to post anything.
WE shall not be DOCK LOVERS, for long.
best wishes for your journey, and keep up the posts! Leo