

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 3, snowy owl.

   This day has been the coldest so far! We are all bundled up like little Eskimos. Today's goal is NYC! New York, New York! We departed Haverstraw very early, about 6am, to start our trip. We had about 35-40 miles to go. Again, we had no favorable wind, just a very frigid one. We left about 45 min before high tide, so we could make the city by riding the tide. I do not motor into a tide. It's a waste of fuel. Then it hit us.
We were snowed on for about 3 hours. It's hard to photograph, but it was actually sticking to the deck a bit!
Cold, Snowy, Bundled.
We arrived in NYC about 2PM. after calling about 6 marinas, we settled on one for $100 a night on the NJ side. We told them about draft, length, and asked where to dock. With all the current it was very difficult to get into the mouth of the marina. Again, my docking skills came into play. No problem, we got into the mouth of the marina, and started into the slip..... then nothing.

    Apparently at this marina, they do not know their own depth. after trying to get in for an hour, we gave up. Now came the tricky part. We had to back into the rushing 2 knot current. Once everyone was back on board, we took off. More screaming, "were going to crash, AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!", and we were in the channel. We settled on the overpriced 79th street boat basin. It is a state owned park, and docking is stupid expensive. We went into town for the night.

   AN owl, a penguin, and a dog walk into a pinkberry.... you finish this joke!

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