Well, after a long long time of working on it, I can now say it runs nicely.
However let me start with this:
I was given an engine that does not run, with a good condition lower unit. This was issue number one with my outboard.
When I was sold this outboard I was given the nautical equivalent of the "old lady driving to church" story about this engine. That it had been on a sailboat, and shop maintained. I can slice up some fine German or beef baloney, but I cannot fill an order that big. First, they had not lubed the lower unit in who knows how long. When you turn the shaft by hand, its actually hard to turn. That explains why the engine was hard to start, didn't want to run, randomly shut off, would pop out of gear, ECT.
This may also be why I was never able to plane.
Once I changed it out for the free one, MAGIC!!!!! This thing runs pretty good now.
It is UGLY, but functional, just like the rest of the dinghy.
I tried it out, taking it the entire way out to the municipal mooring field. Where I had a job diving on the Chris Lea.
Success! Glad to have a great working tender!
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